- Volume mixing adjustments.
- Menu radial is now blue.
- Updated tutorial to show controllers and highlight buttons that should be pressed.
- Updated tutorial the pace of it more controllable by the user, so that steps don’t fly by and be confusing.
- Updated asteroid belt particle system to an actor that is more controllable in the menu.
- Many behind the scenes changes to support the Windows/Steam version of the build.
- Added menu widget that appears when you hold down the menu button (while not in the menu) similar to the Oculus reset view.
- The tutorial has been updated to allow returning to previous steps, skipping to next steps you’ve already done.
- You now have to hold the menu button for 2 seconds before it will return to menu, to make it less able to be accidentally pressed.
- Replaced the pistol, darkness pistol, and shotgun projectiles to look like they have a larger end and smaller tail.
- Fixed tutorial and weapon achievement text to reflect the menu and button changes.
- Removed reset to forward on pushing in the Oculus touch stick.
- Removed Y and B buttons incrementing weapons.
- Adjusted tutorial to fit these changes.
- I now scroll to your score if your score is in the first 20 of the scores.
- Added a quit widget with version number.
- Updated Unreal Engine to 4.27.1, switch to using OpenXR instead of Oculus plugin.
- Camera fade is now done a different way to support any VR headset instead of just Oculus.
- Leaderboard uses online services instead of Oculus plugin, and highlights your score.
- Escape key quits the game (for use in Windows version)
- Audio has been remixed to make the music louder, and to make sounds fall off less quickly as they are far away.
- Made it so you can test shoot while in the weapon area, if you point away from the widget, or shoot with your off hand.
- Set compression on logo to UI, now looks better.
- Made a weapon widget, which is accessible under the high score menu, to see all the weapons that are possible to collect and their properties.
- Added option to disable collected weapons in weapons menu so that they are easier to select.
- Modified tutorial and powerup use so that you can use a powerup with the grip button.
- Save the last selected or completed level so that in the menu, it selects the last level you played or completed.
- All levels now have unique music.
- Some enemy sounds have been replaced.
- Updated Unreal Engine to 4.27.
- Altered selecting so that you can only select with one hand, which is selectable in the menus (both hands caused issues with button activation).
- Set powerups to make a ping sound and play a particle effect once they are spawned. This way it’s easier for the player to notice them.
- The platform shield can now regenerate once it has been disabled. If you pick use a platform shield powerup once it has collapsed, a effect/sound will play and it will come back.
- Removed a check for the headset which broke the scoreboard.
- Enemies now move by accelerating into the movement and slowing down as they approach their destination.
- Enemies now rotate in a random motion.
- Altered back stick so that it flips around always; so if you are facing left and hit back, you face right, etc. This way it always responds.
- Added a sniper rifle; achieve it by beating level 6 on normal.
- Fixed a bug with the enemy not being able to be killed if you did more damage than would cause it to have 0 health.
- Set projectiles to sweep while moving, making them hit things more easily.
- Added a secondary mesh to asteroids and enemies, to make them easier to see (they now have additive internal color).
- Fixed a bug where you couldn’t destroy the asteroid in the tutorial.
- The menu now has lock and gun icons to tell you if a level is inaccessible because you haven’t beat the previous levels, and to see where a new weapon is achieved.
- Changed disabled level color to black.
- Moved rocket launcher to level 3 hard achievement.
- Fixed issues with the rocket launcher preventing triangle indicators from appearing on asteroids (I think!).
- Rescaled all weapons but the initial pistol and centered them in your hand. This way they don’t feel too big like the were.
- The rocket launcher now has a red explosion so you can see it more easily; it now destroys more asteroids in AOE to feel more useful.
- Levels that are inaccessible now appear on the menu, but they cannot be selected, and are shown in red.
- Levels that are inaccessible now appear on the menu, but they cannot be selected, and are shown in red.
- Added a rocket launcher, which is achieved by completing level 3 on normal difficulty.
- The rocket launcher shoots rockets slowly, but they destroy large asteroids in one shot.
- The rocket launcher also has an area of effect (AOE) where the rockets hit, which can destroy other asteroids around where it hits.
- Added a check to prevent spawning the platform shield powerup if the platform shield has failed. Once it’s failed, it’s not possible to regenerate it now.
- Fixed an issue where projectiles and asteroids would appear one frame off their actual location; it’s now easier to shoot smaller or faster moving asteroids.
- Fixed an issue where the weapon achievement could show the wrong gun if it was achieved at the same level but different difficulty level.
- Added a tutorial which is accessible from the menu; it’s on the bottom of the settings.
- I made the shotgun projectiles automatically destroy themselves at a range of .75 of the arena shield.
- However, they now can’t hit asteroids that are super far away. So this is a trade off, and these values may need to be tweaked.
- Using a shotgun in the off-hand and a pistol in the main hand is a good pair now!
- When you beat all levels, the game continues on the next difficulty level. For example, if you beat level 10 easy, you start on level 1 normal.
- You can only start at levels that you have previously achieved other than the first level per difficulty. This way you have to beat level 7 on easy.
- There is a hidden difficulty level “Fearless” which is after hard; it multiplies score by 4, and turns off the platform shield.
- I added checks to prevent showing weapon achievements that have already occurred.
- Set up weapon achievements to trigger at a level and difficulty; so now to get the pistol you have to beat level 3 easy, and shotgun level 6 easy.
- Increased the rate of fire for the secondary pistol and increased it’s projectile velocity. This way it’s more useful, it felt like there was no reason to use it before.
- On hard or fearless difficulty, where you can shoot the arena shield, the damage taken now reflects the projectile damage.
- Reset the high scores to reflect the new game flow.
- When you increment/decrement weapon selection, the selection now loops back around so that if you go past the final weapon you select.
- The shotgun blast sometimes was grouped strangely due to order of rotation (random first, then full rotation). I reversed the order and it seems to have fixed the problem.
- When you increment/decrement weapon selection, the selection now loops back around so that if you go past the final weapon you select.
- The shotgun blast sometimes was grouped strangely due to order of rotation (random first, then full rotation). I reversed the order and it seems to have fixed the problem.
- Two new weapons were added, the heavy pistol, and shotgun.
- They are able to be achieved once you complete level 3 and level 6. You will see weapon achievement information once you finish these levels.
- Selecting weapons is done with A/B and X/Y on the left and right hand; the top button incrementing the weapon choice and the bottom decrementing.
- Once you’ve pasted the levels where you get these weapons, you can use them whenever you start a game, even at level 1.
- The save game file has changed to remember what weapons you’ve selected; you may need to uninstall/reinstall the game if it gives you issues.
- Changed the menu font.
- Removed individual settings buttons and replaced them with three difficulty settings.
- Changed the display to show infinity if there’s no time out.
- Set up the rift version of the app to get it’s leaderboard for testing in Windows.
- Set the difficulty settings to different colors to easily show what has changed.
- Turned down UI focus/lose focus sounds (half volume). Halved the haptic length for menu navigation.
- Added haptic on/off button.
- Added music volume slider.
- Saved the difficulty level, haptic, and music volume into the saved game.
- The high score board now centers around the user, shows 20 high scores, and has a scroll bar which you can click/drag to see the scores.